October 28-30, 2025IEC, Kyiv, Ukraine

October 28-30, 2025IEC, Kyiv, Ukraine


Find the best technologies, equipment, solutions for agro-processing and food industry!


Find the best technologies, equipment, solutions for agro-processing and food industry!

Exhibition sections

Technologies and equipment for processing agricultural raw materials (cleaning, sorting, drying, grinding, extraction, freezing, etc.)

Technologies and equipment for the food industry (bakery, confectionery, pasta, meat, dairy, fruit and vegetable, oil and fat, and other industries)

Raw materials and ingredients for food and beverage production

Packaging equipment, materials, packaging

Marking equipment and materials


Laboratory and analytical equipment, biotechnology

Hygiene and sanitation of processing plants, workwear for the food industry

Cooling, ventilation and air conditioning technologies for processing plants

gear-fatCreated with Sketch.

Components, consumables, accessories


Transport and storage vehicles, industrial packaging

Coding, program, programming

Automation systems, software



Manufacturers, importers, suppliers ● Technologies● Equipment● Ingredients● Solutionsfor the food industry



By type of enterprise:● Food producers by industry● Beverage producers● Agro-processing companies ● Farming enterprises
● Owners, directors of processing and production plants
● Technical directors, heads of processing and production departments
● Chief engineers, mechanics, technologists, laboratory technicians
● Heads of procurement departments

Agro2Food gives you the opportunity to

to get acquainted with the latest technologies and equipment, as well as to see the latest finished products from partners and competitors, assess the market and industry trends.

Follow us on social media!

Venue and schedule

The exhibition will be organized at the International Exhibition Center (IEC).
Address of the exhibition center:15 Brovarskyi Avenue, Kyiv, Ukraine, IEC | Kyiv | Ukraine
